It's So Hard To Say That It's Okay
I want to talk about saving face because like...everyone that you talk
to expects you to be this strong person. And like...we've always been
told that that's what we're supposed to do and be. I know I've embodied
that my entire life; for my family, for my sister - it's always been
like, "You're supposed to be this really strong person and not show fear,
or when you're nervous, or when you're upset, or when you're emotional."
Even if it's just simply because that day you just are. And it's upsetting because I
go to my job and I smile through people's worst days. I come out of a
cardiac arrest and I have to go smile for my next person. I'm forced
with my job to be that strong person that everyone needs to feel safe, and I
find that I get home at night, and...I'm not depressed, but I'm also not
always happy. And I'm so afraid that I should be? Because that's what everybody thinks.
I feel like I'm supposed to always be smiling. And it's sad
when I get home at night and the one person I want to be smiling
and happy with, my husband, he see's the worst of it. He sees when I'm
sitting there and I'm just angry. Especially as women, we're often
told, "Why aren't you smiling? Why aren't you happy? Give me a
smile..." and I'm guilty of it too, I tell my friends, you know, "Put a
smile on!" - my famous line is, "Are you having fun yet?" and my
expected answer is, "Yes!" I ask my people at work that all the time
and if they say no, I say, "No, no, that's not allowed! You have to say
yes!" And so I'm perpetuating it myself.
And it sucks because I get home and I find that I cant be that person
that I want to be because I end up being the person that I am. Because I
can finally let go. It sucks because my husband does see the worst of
it. He gets the brunt of it and it's not even his fault. Over time
everything builds up.
I had probably my worst week in nursing about a month ago. I had really sick
patients, I felt like a bad teacher for the new nurse that I'm
orienting, and it all culminated when I was driving home. I'm almost
home, and I hear a weird noise in my car, so I think my car is breaking
down. I get out of my car and I smash my finger, it's still healing. I got
home and I cried for an hour straight. And I don't cry. I mean...cry when I
get angry, but I don't cry like emotional crying. And I cried for a solid
hour and I couldn't stop. It was so cathartic but afterward I kind of
felt guilty that I did it. And I shouldn't feel that way. I should
never have let the stress get to that point, but still.
I think we need to put it out there that it's okay to not be okay. I
feel like I'm always pretending that I'm okay for other people, but I
can't pretend for myself. But I know for my parents, I'm always
smiling, For my sister, she' going through a rough time right now,and I'm
her rock. I have to be there for her. And I can't step back and just
be emotional. I have to be the strong person for them so I feel like
I'm always putting on this front of, "Okay, I'm just a brick wall with a
smile. Throw what you want at me, I'll figure it out."
Luckily it hasn't really affected my marriage, but I think part of
that is that he has to do the same thing as a fire fighter. Both of us
see such significant trauma and significant good, we see both ends of
the spectrum. We both have learned how to hide our emotions in public.
And he hides them way better than I do, but I think both of us kind of
have just learned how to deal with it and keep moving forward. Because
that's what we were taught.
I got lucky because he understands not only
what I'm going through but why I go through it. Why I keep going
back. He gets that it's the job. He gets that it's how I was raised. He understands
that it's not just me as a person trying to be fake, it's me trying to
cover up that I'm not as strong as I think I am sometimes. Sometimes
it's self preservation, other times I think it's just trying to make
sure everyone else is okay and forgetting about myself.
I feel like that comes with the territory of being a caregiver, whether you work in the medical field or you take care of a parent at home, and when you become a caregiver you give so much of yourself. It's so hard to turn it off, too. And it's like you just sometimes want to shut it all off and lay down in a dark room and be like, "I'm not going to please anybody today. I'm going to be here, by myself, and lay here, and let myself just be comfortable. And that's okay."
And it's so hard to say that it's okay.
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